Friday, April 11, 2008

It's all about ME

Actually it's NOT all about me but I sure could use some "me" time. I knew that this month of April was going to be B-U-S-Y but whew....after spending day after day working on work stuff, running errands for others and all the other details of my job, I find myself wondering when do I make time to do my own stuff? I am a very organized person and a pretty good manager of my time but lately I don't feel like there is enough time in the day to get all that I need to get done (clearly why I am blogging at 12:23 a.m.) My hamper lid won't close as the excess amounts of dirty laundry spill on to my bedroom floor, I can see about two inches of dust on alarm clock/night stand and my bathroom...well let's just say that Mr. Clean can not be seen. I ask myself just how well am I managing my "me" time? I work all day, manage to get in exercise after work, but what do I do with my evening time? Something tells me that I spend a little too much time mindlessly wasting away in front of the TV when I could be doing some other things a little more productive with me time.

Anyways, this week has been busy (shocking, I know) but good. We met and conquered a major work deadline on Thursday and my boss and I celebrated by having lunch at Brick Tops. I had never eaten there before so it was fun to try someplace new AND i had the lunch special of grilled Halibut with herb buttered green beans and rice...DELICIOUS! I found out late Thursday afternoon that I had been scheduled again to work at Pottery Barn Kids on Friday night but I had already RSVP for my friend Cathryn's birthday/house warming party so I managed to work from PBK from a couple hours and still make it to Cathryn's in time. Just another busy way to end my day. Tomorrow is Saturday and I am going to help a friend with some furniture and do a couple errands for the family so I imagine it will be like most work days...full of errands. Other than that, I hope to get in some quality "me" time and recharge my batteries before another busy week.

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