Sunday, May 25, 2008

I survived....

From the top chef on Friday to Betty Crocker on Saturday to party planner on Sunday I am happy to say that I made it through a busy busy weekend and I have never been more ready to have a day off like tomorrow! YEAH (and I am doing the happy dance you just can't see me)! Everything went off without a hitch and we got a lot of compliments on our arrangements, food and decor.

I am so excited for my day off tomorrow and I hope the weather will cooperate as I have high hopes of going to the Y (after working out) and spending my day poolside. I would love to see lots of sunshine but right now the weather channel is telling me otherwise. Nothing beats reading a book and taking a nap while at the pool....well maybe taking a nap and reading a book while on the beach is better but you get the involves sunshine and a body of water! That's my idea of relaxing!

This week should be much lighter on the work front as the family is dispersing for family vacations/senior trips so I'll be taking care of things while they are out of town as well as joining the senior trip next week in SC as "adult supervision"...should be interesting. In the meantime I am looking forward to catching up with my friends and family for my birthday on the 31st. Lots of good times to come!

1 comment:

RU said...

yeah for vacation! glad you finally get a day off- you deserve it.