Saturday, April 10, 2010

Blunt Toe Trama

It's rather laughable now but at the time of injury laughter was the last thing running through my mind. Let me take you back to the scene of the accident. I was having a productive Saturday morning. I got up early, took care of my bosses dog, ran a 5k, picked up bosses from airport and made my way to the grocery store all before 10 am on Saturday. The grocery store was very quiet and I didn't have much to pick up really. What I did stock up on was liter bottles of water since I knew they would be perfect to take to a picnic that afternoon and I was rather thirsty. I also picked a half gallon of my favorite tea. Since I only had about 7 items, I ventured to the self-checkout lanes and began the process. I try my best to bring my recyclable shopping bags to save on the plastic. My thought was that I will scan the heavy bottled products to keep my shopping bag from collapsing. I had all 3 bottled products in and bag secure (so I thought). When I scanned the next product, I clearly did not see the bottles falling out of the bag. I never saw anything but quite painfully felt them all 3, one by one, fall onto my bare foot. The victim, my big left toe. The pain was that instant pain that delivers a blow to the pit of your stomach. I looked down below and saw that I had skin hanging off said big toe. Holy smokes....I literally had to take a moment at the self check out line to regain my composure. I can only imagine what this looked like to those watching the security cameras. Thankfully my toe nails are painted a springy shade of purple because now my big toe matches perfectly.

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