Monday, December 14, 2009

I'm trying...

to get into the holiday spirit but it's definitely been a challenge this year. I believe that it's been due mostly in part to an insanely busy and fully consuming work schedule which has demanded of me a fair share of travel and bringing work home almost every night. I believe this combination has somewhat robbed me of my normal enthusiastic outlook on this time of year. I believe this is the first time ever that I have NOT put up a Christmas tree or decorated the house. And I do realize for those that know me's shocking!

All hope is not lost...I have been saturating myself with a lot of Christmas music lately and I think it's actually improving my mood. I have mailed out my first round of Christmas packages to friends, began working on Christmas cards, wrapping presents, took care of all my December birthdays ( i have like 6 close friends/family that have December bdays) and even took time to bake a dessert for a Christmas party that I went to on Friday night. Impressive for someone who feels like she is a borderline Scrooge this year.


Life and Times of the Larsons said...

so glad it is not just me! I have felt the same way this year!! Hopefully by Christmas Eve my feelings will have changed! :)

cathryn said...

I hear ya! I'm having difficulty getting into full-on Christmas mode this year too. Must be something in the air... :)