Friday, April 3, 2009

April Showers brings....

Well you know how the saying goes but that doesn't mean that's what happens at least not in the state of Tennessee. April showers brings floods, storms, tornado's, mudslides...okay will not that extreme but you get my point. I know that I should be thankful for the rain especially when the past summers have brought droughts but seriously....a little break from the rain would be great! AND I am not finished...April showers should NOT bring colder weather. Do you know that the weather people are calling for snow showers next Tuesday?? Come again?? I'm done with weather winter....the gloomy gray skies...the multiple layers of clothing...warming up the car....let me repeat....D-O-N-E! So regardless of what the weather people want to predict, I am moving forward with spring. I'm going to do my spring cleaning this long sweaters....hello tank tops and shorts! I have missed you.....

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