Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Finally some sunshine.....

Well here's hoping that the sunshine we have finally seen will stay around for a while. Actually the forecast for this weekend (Thursday into next week) is looking like mostly sunny with temps in the 80's with lows in the mid 50's. This makes me smile and also hold my breathe should another cold front come out of nowhere. Either way, their current predictions should give us great weather for the Country Music Half Marathon and Marathon on Saturday. :)

I know it seems like all I blog about is the weather but lately it's been determining my mood...sunshine = good, cloudy = not good. This past weekend..well at least on Friday and Saturday the weather was great. It made for good times hanging out with friends on patios and perfect for a 10 mile run on Saturday morning. Sunday it was back to the rain and super windy. Regardless of the weather, we watched a good video in Sunday School class from Rob Bell entitled "Today: Can we become so consumed with our past that we can't see the beauty of today?" It was a very thought-provoking video and led to some great class discussion. I am probably going to miss quote him but this resounded in my mind "Are you holding on so tight to something in the past, that your arms aren't free to be open to what He has for you right now".

My week didn't start out all that great but I can say that as it keeps on going, it's getting better. I won't get into the details of why Monday was a tough day...I think several negative things fed on each other and ultimately I was left feeling a little wounded. But, I did my best to look to the One who loves me the most and has given me real TRUTH along with some great friends that let me vent and make me laugh. I am truly blessed!

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