Thursday, April 16, 2009

Come on Sunshine...You CAN DO IT!!

I know I feel like all I do these days is complain about the weather BUT I am so ready to see some sunshine and warmer weather. I would totally beg if it would even make a difference. These temps hoovering around 50 degrees and dreary gray skies need to move on out and make some much needed room for the delight and joy of sunshine.

The family I work for is back and I am buckling in for a fun and busy summer. I continue to get to work on a lot within their foundation and I love the balance it brings to the long list of many things I work on. The biggest thing I've been working on is developing a website and it's been so much fun thus far and I actually feel like I'm learning alot along the way. We are also getting into the season of another graduating class from their scholars program so we are back to event planning for the two high schools. I'm just super blessed to be able to say "I love my job".

A week from today my friends Suzanne and Krishana (Colorado friends) are coming to Nashville and we are all participating in the 10th Anniversary of the Country Music Half Marathon. Do I feel prepared to run 13.1 miles? NO! Am I going to cross the finish line and enjoy a weekend with my friends? ABSOLUTELY YES! My training has been well hard to call "training" but I am going to push through a 10 miler on Saturday morning and pray that I don't die come race day! Any and all prayers will be greatly appreciated :)

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