Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wintery Mix

These are two words that used together have enough power to foil my weekend plans :( Personally, I think it's what our local weather peeps like to use to cover their you know what. "We know it's cold and that precipitation is expected so we'll call it a 'wintery mix' " This mix covers just about any type of precipitation one might expect when temperatures creep towards 32 degrees...rain, freezing rain, sleet, ice, snow, etc. etc. And because I live in the "south" and let's face it, no one can really drive on ice, everything gets shut down. Schools will close, people will raid the grocery stores, businesses will close and all the idiots will decide it's a great day for a drive. Just thinking about it makes me crabby. Ruthann, I want some Arizona sunshine right about now!

I have some fun things planned for this weekend and I'm crossing my fingers that this wintery mix will just be cold rain and everything will go on as normal. Here's hoping....

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