I know that it's easy to be happy and thankful for all the good things that happen in our lives. Maybe it's a new job that comes along after being unemployed, or a big life event like that of marriage or bringing a child into this world or maybe it's something small like seeing the sunshine after days of rain or just a smile from a stranger that passes you by on the street. I think that at times of happiness it's easy to look up and give HIM praise. But what is our response when the times get tough?
For me, I think I instantly try to "fix" what's broken. Work is busy and you get behind, so you push harder and work later. You have unexpected and unexplained health issues, so you seek out help from a doctor or perhaps try to eat better, work out harder. Maybe you experience conflict in relationships or are treated unfairly, you can take the high road or deal with confrontations head on, forgive and move on. And I've said before, for someone like myself who prefers to take control and "fix" things, I often in the process, regardless of my efforts, come away still feeling broken.
This is where I am actually thankful for times of brokeness. Yes, you heard me correctly, I said that I was thankful. Thankful that even in my midst of trials or sorrows, HE is with me and I have faith in HIM to see me through it all. For I know that whatever circumstance that has lead me to this season of brokeness, that I am NOT alone. This verse was just shared in our class on Sunday but I like how it's written from The Message:
"I know what I am doing. I have planned it all out - plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for." - Jeremiah 29:11It's the promise from my Creator that HE actually cares about me and what I am going through (the good, the bad and the ugly) and that HE's not yet finished with me. And this brings me HOPE to keep on keepin' on.