The ticket that my friend gave me covered admission for a car load up to 8 people. Since I didn't know of this event until two days prior it was hard to round up those that didn't have plans on a Saturday night but myself and my friends Matt and Tim came with me and we brought our picnic dinner and camping chairs to sit on the lawn and enjoy some great music under the stars.
After the 2 hour show, we were then able to go into the Dyer Observatory and look through the telescope to see the planet Jupiter. We kept each other entertained while we had to wait in a small line to get to the observatory, but it was well worth the wait. I had never looked through a telescope before, not even a small one that some have in their homes. It was a breathtaking sight to see. From the view on earth, it just looked like a star...but the view from the telescope allowed you to see the planet and 3 of it's moons. I asked the tour guide how far away was it and he said approximately 600 millions kilometers. I was simply in awe and the thing that was impressed upon me the most was that God created the heavens and the earth and still knows the numbers of hair on my head. My God is a BIG God and he cares about little ole' me!
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