Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Being Single

Most Wednesday nights I spend with my friends Amy and Cathryn as we hang out and watch LOST. I very much enjoy the complexity of that show and enjoy the numerous theories we share as we try to figure out what this "island" is all about and whether or not Ben is good or evil. BUT what I enjoy more than watching this show is the "other" conversations we have. AND without fail, as we divulge the "what's new" in our lives with each other, the topics of being single and/or marriage arises. Cathryn is a fellow blogger and amazing writer. You have to read her recent post "A Marriage Manifesto" on her blog. I couldn't have said it better!

And as much as I am enjoying my singleness, I am a girl who looks forward to that day when God brings a boy into my life that I can walk side by side with and just live life with. Until then....

1 comment:

RU said...

yes! a great perspective on marriage... it's about being sanctified not happy.....