Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sicky germs....

Well everyone knows no matter where you live, there are all kinds of sicky germs floating around. I've seen my boss, friends and family battle the flu-like germs, bronchitis, laryngitis and the lovely stomach flu. I have been clinging faithfully to my Vitamin C but I think the sicky germs are persistent and trying to take over. I've felt really fatigued since Sunday night and had small boughts of feeling feverish, chills, etc. Tuesday was the worst but today I feel the best I've felt all week. I have sick time with work but don't really have the flexibility to be sick. There is always so much to get done. I hope that I can keep these germs from manifesting and thankfully the weekend is right around the corner and I plan to get lots of rest (that is besides getting in the runs that I need to do).

I had a really busy week planned but made some minor adjustments due to the fact that I have not felt well. No need to over do it since I don't have time be sick (like anyone ever has "time" to be sick). Last night, I went with my friend Amy to see The Four Kicks. We saw them a couple weeks ago at The Rutledge and got free tickets to last nights show at 3rd & Linsley. I like there sound because I can't really compare them to anyone else but if I had to try, I hear remnants of The Beatles :) The crowd might have been small but I sometimes prefer that and it sure didn't stop them from rockin' out!! I went home and promptly bought their cd on itunes. I just love hearing live music and it only makes me that much more excited to be learning guitar. I have another lesson tonight since I wasn't able to make it on Tuesday.

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