Friday, July 25, 2008

Finally Friday....

I woke up today to skies that are darkening and it looks like we will actually get some rain/storms today. It hasn't rained this whole week so I am sure that we could use some rain. I just hope that the sun is shining tomorrow so I can get in some pool time :)
This week has been busy with work stuff as the family returns late tomorrow night. So I've been plenty busy getting everything in order for their return. I can't believe they have been gone a month already. It seemed to fly by for sure. I also have seemed to have made it through my first week of "training" for the next half marathon. It's going to be a long next 11 weeks that's for sure but I will say that it feels good to be getting back into the runs. Call me crazy, but there is something that is relaxing/stress-relieving about running to me.
Don't have much planned for this weekend. I have been helping out at Pottery Barn Kids again because they are short two managers so I closed the store on Monday night and I am closing it again tonight and potentially one night next week. I don't mind but I am so glad that I am not in retail full time. Ick! Then some friends are having a get together tonight so I might head their after work at PBK just depends on how I feel. It's quite taxing to work all day and then head straight to another job and be on your feet for 4+ hours. Anywho....

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