Tuesday, September 23, 2008

And the work keeps on coming....

So I had totally expected to come back to a stack of work on Monday and I was not disappointed, I mean I was out the office for a whole week but I was pleasantly surprised that it was not a very overwhelming load. I was actually done with some office work and errands by 4pm yesterday so I did some much needed shopping at Target, caught up with a friend on the phone, went for a run, measured a flower pot that I plan on using for fall mums and even ran to the grocery store...all before 8 o'clock. Of course I put myself on a time schedule because last night was the season premier for the 3rd season of "Heroes"....so good! That's another great thing about fall....all new seasons and new tv series.
I think I am all caught up from last week and am trying to get everything set for my boss for the rest of this week as I finally have a mini vacay coming up. That's right...a real vacation...no family or friends...just me going back to my old "home"...Colorado. Thanks to my friend Caron, she gave me her unused vouchers from Southwest so I scored a great airfare, direct nevertheless, from Nashville to Denver. I cant even begin to tell you how excited I am to see all my friends. I haven't been back in 3 years so clearly my visit is long overdue. So excited!

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Too LONG overdue! Can't wait to see you!