Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's Friday...already?

I don't know about you but I feel like it should only be Tuesday...not that I am complaining that tomorrow is Friday, by any means. I just feel like this week has flown by so fast. This week of work has not been too crazy busy...that comes next week as I am leaving at noon on Sunday to head to the house in East TN to work...and I do mean hard, physical labor kind of preparing for the TCF (The Conservation Fund) fundraiser. Hopefully that week will go by as fast as this week has. I believe this event and all the details that need to be completed by next Friday have been the culprit in my raised levels of stress and sleepless nights. I've made lists and have organized to the best of my ability all that needs to be accomplished but my mind is not shutting down when I go to sleep; therefore, resulting in sleepless nights :( I have even been taking the muscle relaxers that my doctor prescribed to alleviate my stress/backaches and their drowsiness side effect still wont keep me sleeping through the night. Oh well...this big event is a week from Friday and then all should be back to normal...or at least that's what I'm praying for.

I did make it to that sports conditioning class at the Y tonight and I liked it for the most part. We spent about 30 mins. outside doing warm up running & exercises and then did competitive sprints at various distances. Then we moved inside for about 20 mins. to split up into teams of 4 and went through various station-like exercises. This is the part that I didn't like so much only because of the various lunges, squats and jumping motion is very hard on my knees. Then we went back outside to do this team relay race...although it was a bit unorganized. Overall, I liked the class and I definitely plan to go back. Nevertheless, I am sure that with a good run on Wednesday night and the activities from rear is going to be soooo sore tomorrow. I've already taken my drugs before bed because I am going to need them.

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