Friday, August 3, 2007


I'm sure like many working Americans, when I flip my desk calendar and see the word "Friday" I let out a sigh of relief. A sigh that means another week of work is completed, another week of training for a half marathon was survived and two days of "rest" are on the horizon. I use the term "rest" lightly as my weekends are usually filled with a variety of errands, loads of laundry, road trips, pool time with friends, more miles ran, meals with friends, shopping, book reading and church related activities. With that said, it's no wonder that when I sit in my bed on Sunday evening wondering where my weekend went and trying to fight back feelings of exhaustion that I'm already anxiously awaiting the next Friday.

Hope you are able to find some "rest" in your weekend!

1 comment:

RU said...

no rest for us...we get to bail hay tomorrow.... joy joy. Correction- Matt gets to bail hay- I get to go to water aerobics with mom!! Have fun at your concert and dinner cruise! :)