Thursday, April 17, 2008

Deer Crossing

I don't know about anyone else but I am thoroughly enjoying these blue skies and temperatures in the 70's. Aaaawwww! I met Jen again at Percy Warner Park after work to do our hilly loop/climbing of the stairs workout. Working out with someone is just so much more enjoyable than working out alone. Don't get me wrong, I love my running alone-time but it's fun to have someone to chat with while working out (that is when you have caught your breath from climbing those stairs.)

Tonight when Jen and I were on our 3rd downhill half loop, I was listening to Jen's story when this young deer literally walks right up to the side of the road in front of us. I stop Jen mid-sentence as we all (me, Jen and deer) precede to stare at each other in complete silence. I was in awe of how close this deer was to us and the deer almost seemed like he would walk right up to us. I always think of seeing a deer, getting there "deer in the headlights look" and then they bolt. Anyways, I started to continue our walk and Jen stopped me immediately and said "Don't move...that deer could attack us...haven't you seen those YouTube videos?" No, I haven't seen such a video and giggled but the fact that she used the word "attack" with my visual of hoofs flying made me reconsider my movement forward. So we waited patiently for this deer to cross the road and then started to jog down the rest of this hill. I don't know if it was near-death experience from a deer crossing, but we were delirious enough to climb the stairs a 4th time. Whew....what a workout!


iowegian said...

TERAH!!!! It's me...Diane Mitchell!! How in the world are you girl?? I was just thinking about you the other day...must have been in an NDP flashback moment or something! :-) Where are you living now? Did you move back to your family? Did you feel the earthquake this morning? I'm so stoked to have found you again! YEAH!!!!

cathryn said...

"Don't move...that deer could attack us...haven't you seen those YouTube videos?" Ha! That cracks me up :)

Gibbarella said...

I think they only attack if you rub deer hormones all over your body and hold antlers above your head.