Wednesday, April 23, 2008

It's vacation time....

Ahhh it's that time of year again...when you take a little time away from the daily grind and head south to the Gulf of Mexico. Jen and I are heading that way tomorrow and I don't think I have enough words to describe just how excited I am for the break. It's been almost two months that I have been in my new job and it has been super busy. (and yes, I am still loving my job). But after working this month almost every weekend I am looking forward to some much needed R&R and "me" time.
We will be in Pensacola tomorrow afternoon/evening and stay with my sister Amy and her roommate Erin. Then Friday we are driving to the beach :) The weather channel tells me that it's supposed to be a sunny (still praying for good weather) and we have a hotel on the beach for Friday and Saturday. I can't wait to see the ocean, feel the breezes in my hair and eat fresh seafood.

If you should need to find me, I'll be sitting in a beach chair with my toes in the sand :)


Jen said...

Something just isn't right when you a Tennessean (and former Indianian) spend more time in my hometown than I do. :)

I hope you have a fantastic and restful weekend and I'll see you on Sunday!!!

RU said...

YEAH for beach time! Nothing like the ocean to give perspective and offer up rest all at the same time.