Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Another busy week

Well this week looks like it's going to be as busy as last week but at least I am having some productive time. I spent all day yesterday downtown at the office and got a lot of stuff reorganized, phone calls made and things checked off my never-ending to-do list. I got home in time to beat the traffic (Monday Night Football was in town yesterday), feed the dog and make it to the spin class at the Y. I then killed about half an hour before meeting up with Randi & Erik for dinner. They had been on vacation in Gulf Shores, AL all last week and stopped through Nashville on their way back home to Missouri. It had been over a year since I had seen Randi and it was so great to see them and to be able to catch up, even if it was only for an hour.
Today has been a work-from-home day and it was quite nice to sleep in just a tad. I did some stuff in the office at the house and then ran a bunch of errands including taking advantage of the early voting. This afternoon I volunteered to work the Way-FM pledge drive for a couple hours and tonight I am hosting a small group to watch scary movies! I am looking forward to tonight!


Jen said...

Well...how did scary movie night go???? Oh - and I'm looking forward to what you think of AQ

Terah Lynn said...

Scary movie night was so scary! The best part was watching Tim jump from his seat and scream like a girl :) Good times!

Unknown said...

Thanks for helping with our Pledge Drive Terah! :-)