Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Change O' Plans :(

Well life is constantly changing and you have to learn to deal with the not being able to go to NYC! I actually could be very selfish and go but the whole purpose in even going was to spend time with my friend Ruthann. However, she is currently experiencing some pregnancy complications (PLEASE PRAY FOR HER AND BABY) so it's not the best time to visit. So I'm trying to push forward and turn my frown upside down. My boss (who was letting me fly with them privately as they have a conference in NYC this long weekend) is the best and told me that when my friend is better, she will be happy to pay for my flight to visit Ruthann...such a blessing! AND if that is not enough...she told me to still take some time off while their gone so I am going to work tomorrow (as I have plenty to do) and then enjoy a 3 day weekend. So I am looking forward to some down time this weekend but I'm still a little sad. When life hands you lemons....make lemonade :)

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