Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's snowing...outside and inside...

Will this dreary, wet weather ever end? It's making me have seasonal depression I think?!? I will say that the only good thing about the wet weather was by late afternoon it was transforming from rain to sleet to eventually snow and we all know that I am quite the fan of SNOW!

Since my week has been so busy, I was looking forward to a productive night at home. I am going to a Christmas party tomorrow night and we were asked to bring our favorite Christmas snack/dessert, so I decided to bake my favorite Christmas dessert that my mom always makes for us at Christmas called Gooey Butter Cake. It's a sweet concoction that consists of yellow cake mix, butter, cream cheese and confectioners sugar. It's so delicious!
Now it's no secret that one place I don't belong is in the kitchen. I by no means possess any type of culinary skills or domestic bliss. I'm usually doing good to bake frozen pizzas or cookie dough without burning them. So to attempt (in my mind) a 2 step/baking process dessert was adventuresome and naturally it was just that. I was following the recipe that my mom emailed me to a tee. All was going smoothly until I naturally started to clean up after I completed the first step. I was breaking down the cake box and cream cheese box because I live in a house that recycles paper/cardboard/plastic/aluminum/glass. Before I began step 2 that required the Confectioners Sugar, I thought I would be the proactive recycler and break down that box as well. I opened the box and naturally yanked out the bag of sugar thinking that it was lose. To no surprise, the bag ripped open and powdered sugar went flying everywhere. It looked like it had snowed in the kitchen. What's a girl to do but to LAUGH OUT LOUD and I had to call my mom as I knew she would totally appreciate the beauty of my mess! I promptly cleaned up my mess, finished the second step, placed in in the oven and am happy to report that it turned out perfectly. I can't wait to try some tomorrow.

I cleaned up the rest of the kitchen, made some soup for dinner, wrapped more Christmas presents, made some cds and prepared some birthday packages that need to go in the mail tomorrow. A very productive night, indeed!


RU said...

sounds like a fun evening at home :)
I am jealous you had snow! We haven't seen anything stick yet but I am ready for some flurries to add to the festivities of the Christmas season.

cathryn said...

Ha! That's hilarious - I can totally envision a cloud of powered sugar exploding in your kitchen! And here I thought stuff like that only happened to me - glad I'm not the only one :)