Friday, December 5, 2008

Making the best of it...

So despite my lingering disappointment of not being in NYC, I decided to make the most of being home and enjoyed a day off from work (well besides answering a couple emails). I slept in without an alarm, ran a couple errands, got out all the Christmas decorations from the attic and cleaned a bit. Jen got off early from work so we could get our Christmas tree and once again the selection at Home Depot did not disappoint. We loved our tree last year so we once again got a Frazier! Here is a pic of our beautiful tree:

Jen headed downtown for the Christmas parade and I decided to join the evening in. I made a run to Target to get some goodies and bought to holiday movies to watch. I picked up a delicious burger from Jonathans and watched "The Family Stone". I also got most all my Christmas presents wrapped and put under the tree. It was such a productive day.

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