Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Ministry through Music

Last night I had the opportunity to volunteer at 88.7 Way-FM , a local station that shares positive music and most importantly the Message of Christ. Although I usually listen to cd's while in my car, I do frequently listen to their morning show while getting ready for work and find that it's a great way to start my day. Everyone that I worked with last night was fun and easy to talk to and I have to say that it made me a little nostalgic for my days at Focus on the Family. I was blessed enough to be able to call Focus on the Family not only my employer but also my "family" for the entire 4 years that I lived in Colorado Springs.

The other thing that was impressed upon me last night was the power of music. I have always had a passion for music...just ask my mom who says the first time she felt me move in her womb was when she was singing in the choir. And not only do I love music and all the varieties out there but also because a song can hold a message. The message can be happy or sad, fun or angry. But the message you hear on stations like Way FM is an eternal message, a message of life and hope, forgiveness and unconditional love. I am so thankful we have stations like this out there and that HE speaks to us through music....


Jen said...

I'm so amazed at how God uses ordinary things (like music) in extraordinary ways. Good stuff.

Brandi said...

Music has always been a powerful element in my life. I was devastated when my toxemia when I was pregnant with Adriana ruined my voice. It's been two years, and I'm just getting to the point where I can almost sing in a register other than bass or tenor!! Remember the devo you and I did at Focus--you sang and I played the piano? Good times ;-) Miss you!!