Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Taking some "Terah Time"...

So this past weekend I claimed much needed "terah time" and by that I mean I left the whole weekend open with no prior commitments (even told some people "no" to their plans which is hard for me to do) and did whatever I felt like doing, whenever I wanted to. Needless to say it was a wonderful weekend. All of my closest friends know how important "terah time" or what my roommate Tracy called "alone time" is for me. Don't get me wrong, I love being around people and am definitely an extrovert but if I don't get a good dose of "alone" time...well I get rather cranky and that's no fun for anyone.

I already blogged about how fun Friday night was. Saturday I actually slept in, something that I haven't got to do in a while...I made a pot of coffee and finished watching "You've Got Mail". Took my good ole' time getting ready and then headed to historic downtown Franklin for their annual Pumpkinfest. I met up with Jen for lunch at my favorite Irish pub and then we strolled around downtown Franklin, stopping in a couple shops, checking out a couple arts/crafts booths and adoring the swarms of little costumed kiddies. I also took time to sit amongst the kids and painted a pumpkin. It was the best way to spend a Saturday...so relaxing!

Sunday was filled with Sunday School & then another great service of worship and the 2nd teaching from this series entitled "Stuff". About 10 of us grabbed lunch at Chili's afterwards and then Amy and I made a quick stop at the Target before I headed back to Bellevue. I managed to do some multi-tasking and talked to my family in IN while driving home and then took a big fat napa! I was so re-engergized from my nap, that I did the annual season swapping of the clothes. I think I really am becoming a little more "southern" each year I live in TN as I felt a little sad putting away all my summer clothes. Anyways, I got out all my sweaters, cleaned my closet, tidied up my room a bit, checked my email, wrote 5 letters to various friends and called it a day.

All in all it really was the best weekend I've had in quite some time and I'm just reminded that it's important to take some "alone" time every once in a while. It's like milk...it does a body good!

1 comment:

RU said...

Oh I remember the "Terah Time" too but it's a good lesson to learn early on- Take time for yourself!