Wednesday, October 3, 2007

T-Minus 5 days and counting...

Is it sad that the biggest happening in my life right now is the Half Marathon that I'm going to be running on Sunday?!? Actually despite the past week of foot injuries and tummy problems, I am rather excited to do this race and can't believe that it's already here. Seems like just yesterday that I stared at my 12 week training schedule, took a deep breathe and laced up my running shoes for a 3 mile run. Now, I only have 2 more "easy" runs to go before a good two days of rest and then the big event. I'm sure the nerves will be in overdrive early Sunday morning but right now I feel excited and ready to run. And I am very excited to be running this race with my dad. He turned 60 in April and I could only hope to be able to still run, let alone run 13.1 miles, when I am 60. I couldn't think of a better running partner to have!

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