Sunday, November 2, 2008

I need some down time...

Well perhaps from my rather infrequent blogs these days, you get the sense that my life has been pretty non-stop lately...and while that means some fun things going on, it also makes me feel worn down and rather blah. I am soooo tired! And why does it always seem like it's either all or nothing...rather than a steady stream of seems like it comes in a roller coaster ride. One minute you are climbing up the hill at such a slow pace that you might be bored with nothing to do but once you hit the top and get released, well hold on to your seats because it goes by so fast that when it comes to a stop, you look back and say "Wow....let's do it again!"
This used to happen quite frequently when I lived in Colorado so perhaps I need to get better at saying "NO" to certain things just so I am not filling up every evening with something to do or someplace to go, thus allowing me to get rest and not feel so spent. This coming week is already shaping up to be like last week but I am intentionally keeping one night for "me" time and am contemplating bailing on a camping trip just so I don't over do it although I really want to go camping....what's a girl to do?

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