Friday, November 9, 2007

From single girl to working mother of 3...

Yep...that's right...I am now a mother of 3 boys...well that is until Sunday afternoon. I am staying with one of our partner's boys while him and his wife are out of town for the extended weekend. The seventeen year old is pretty self-sufficient but the 11 and 9 year old are plenty to handle. My adventures started yesterday when I picked them up from school after work. About half way home, the youngest starts to complain of a belly ache. Instantly, I am thinking "please don't throw up in my car...OH NO". He manages to be the good little boy that he is and waits till we get home to get sick. I believe that perhaps he was just car sick because he seemed much better after he got sick and was ready for me to watch him play his Nintendo game. I had a small battle to win about dinner options as one wanted to eat out and one was not feeling well again so we compromised and ordered pizza. The little one got sick again, so I had to get him taken care of. So while the older enjoyed his pizza dinner and watched Nickelodeon, I played the full on part of "mom" and took care of the sick one and got him to bed. By this time, it's 8 o'clock and time to get the other one in is of course a school night and there is a bedtime of 8:30 to observe. At 8:40, I was able to sit down with a cold piece of pizza and watch the last 20 minutes of Grey's Anatomy. Mission Accomplished.
This morning began at 5:15 which is about an hour earlier than I normally start my day; however with 2 kids to get up, feed and ready for school, I knew that I had to be up and ready for work before they woke up at 6 or I would be the one not ready for the day. It felt crazy at moments and thankfully the oldest helped manage breakfast of the little ones, while I took care of the animals (oh yeah...they have 2 cats and 2 dogs too). The littlest one seemed to be feeling much better...yeah...and we got everything accomplished this morning and were out the door by 7:00 :-) After dropping the boys off at school, I made a much needed stop at Starbucks and then got to the office at 8:00. Another mission accomplished...that's 2 for 2 so far.....


RU said...

OH MY WORD!!! Maybe I don't want to nanny again! What am I thinking? this is what it would be like all the time!!! It's never fun to clean up the puke!!

Bronie said...

wow. you must be some kind of saint to take on 3 kids and 4 pets...THAT DON'T BELONG TO YOU!

seriously, i hope there was some kind of reward for your efforts. it sounds like a job well done.

it's bad enough to clean up after your own sick child (i have 4), but someone elses? ewww. that's above and beyond the call of duty.

holey moley...have another coffee!

oh, btw, i'm a friend of jen's...just surfing.