Thursday, November 15, 2007

Random Ramblings

So last night when I was driving home I saw an apartment home completely decorated for Christmas...I'm talking multi-colored strings of lights on every inch of their sliding glass doors and patio. Can't people wait till after Thanksgiving??
Today makes the 4th day in a row that I literally have had to roll myself out of bed. I am so exhausted and it doesn't seem to be making a difference if I go to bed earlier or not. WHY am I so tired? Maybe it's because I went at warp speed all last weekend watching the boys and had little time to recoup before starting another work week. Its not like I'm waking up throughout the night and having trouble sleeping. My head hits the pillow and I'm down for the count. The sleep time is good just not long enough. I am so happy that tomorrow is Friday because my first priority for this weekend is SLEEP!

1 comment:

cathryn said...

Not all of us have the ability to contain our overabundant Christmas enthusiasm until AFTER Thanksgiving. Otherwise, we might explode...and that would be bad :)