Friday, November 2, 2007

I'm changing my middle name.....

To Clumsy. I wanted to make sure this name change was appropriate so I checked out Websters dictionary and it says that clumsy is defined as "lacking grace or skill, as in using one's hands or feet; awkward". Well after you read what happened to me this week, you'll agree with the name change.
On Tuesday, while retrieving a glass of water for a consultant, I managed to smash (and I'm not talking about closing the cabinet door and pinching my finger...I mean smashed) my pinkie finger in one of the kitchen doors. It was hard to not scream expletives as I instantly had that throbbing sensation and a great indention right across my pinkie nail/fingertip. I took a moment to compose myself, delivered the glass of water to our guest and then grabbed a cold ice cub to soothe the indented fingertip.
But this little incident just set the stage for what happened last night. I had worked late at the office last night and I was cleaning up my desk to leave. I thought I'd make a quick trip to throw away my recyclable materials in the workroom. I rounded the corner at a brisk pace when my right foot (in heels i might add) hit a spot of newly waxed floor and I glided across the mail room catching myself just shy of our cabinets on the other side. I use the term "glide" as in I felt like I was suddenly skating on ice across the workroom. I wish I could watch the playback as I'm sure it would be HI-larious to watch especially since I am not an ice skater and our workroom is not an open ice rink. A large piece of casework (something like a work island) sits in the middle of the room and guessed it...I did not clear the casework but more or less ricocheted off it. I somehow manged to keep my balance so I didn't wipe out completely but I sure banged up my right foot thanks to the pointy corner of the casework.
So by Websters definition, I think I clearly cover the basis of lacking grace & skill with regards to both my hands and feet and it obviously would have been awkward for anyone to witness.


cathryn said...

Oh how I wish we had security cameras! That image of you "gliding" across the workroom makes me snort everytime I think of it!

As funny as it is, I am glad your foot isn't broken! :)

Anonymous said...

LOL I've had moments like that..I mean c'mon I broke my foot by tripping over a book...But this story...I love it...I'm sorry you hurt yourself...however it does make me chuckle! LOL