Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Lunchtime Errands...

So I decided since the weather wasn't terrible bad outside that I would multi-task given the busy time of year and do a little shopping on my lunch break. As I was emailing my friend the details I thought this would make a great little blog. SO here's a couple observations I made over my errands:

  • How can one store have so many birthday card options? Mind you I had to buy a birthday card for my grandmother (which was pretty easy) in comparison to the 3 friend birthdays I have this month. I mean who can make a decision (I'm beginning to sound like my mother “I can’t decide…blah blah blah”) so I bought like 5 cards. They are all so much fun! Guess it never hurts to have extra birthday cards on hand.
  • Then there is the decision about what Christmas cards to buy? I have started a tradition when it comes to my Christmas cards. For the past 3 years now, I have sent out black and white photo/winterscape scene Christmas cards and each year, I hold one back for myself, frame it and use it for decor in my home. Last year while in Chicago, I found a great photographed card of a wintry scene on Michigan Avenue. My intention this year was to find a black and white photo from Tennessee but I can’t find anything even online that I remotely like. So since I was at Hallmark, I settled for a variety pack, color photo/winter scene although I’m only 75% happy with my decision to settle. We should never "settle" even if it's over something as silly as card selection. BUT it’s Dec 5th. These cards have to be written and mailed. Maybe this is why people have converted to doing holiday newsletters...less stress? Perhaps now that I’ve bought cards, the ones I really want will be discovered? One can only hope...
  • While at Hallmark, I saw these already monogrammed wine bags that I wanted to give as a gift to a family member. However, I was told that they do not make them in the letter “Q”. The clerk looked at me puzzled like, "Does your last name start with a “Q”?" No, but it's a family name and I don't understand how a letter from the alphabet can just be left out? Is that Alphabet discrimination? There has to be other last names that start with Q besides Quirey, what about Quinley, Quinn, Quail, Quick... OK say maybe there are not a lot of last names that begin with Q but now they have foiled my gift idea. :-( Maybe I can find some comfort in knowing that if your last name begins with an I, V or Z, you won't have a wine gift bag either.

Oh well...I guess I can just throw out my favorite holiday saying "TIS THE SEASON"

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