Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A Case of the Blahs...

I consider myself to mostly be an upbeat and positive person but for the past couple of days now I have just felt "blah". There is nothing in particular that is making me feel this way, I just do. Maybe it's a little postpartum after a great vacation or maybe it's just PMS. I just don't feel like myself and for me, rather than expose and subject others to my "blah" mood, I would prefer to just hide out in some "alone" time until it passes. I can say, as bizarre as it might sound, that going out for a run helps and I did that last night. Anything to get the good endorphins flowing!

So if I take a hiatus from blogging, you will know why but don't worry. I'll be back to myself in no time!

1 comment:

Gibbarella said...

I have had that before, I called it being in a funk. It will pass soon dont worry just go out and enjoy the weather and spend some quality time with yourself.