Monday, May 26, 2008

Day of Rest...

I was bound and determined to enjoy my day off regardless of sunshine or not. After all, I had just spent 7 very busy days working and deserved a day of rest. I woke on my own(no alarm clock) and just laid in bed for awhile. I could also see that it looked rather cloudy out so I was not the most motivated this morning. I eventually made my way downstairs, made some coffee and enjoyed a little morning TV. It wasn't too long before I noticed the sun had made its way out of the clouds so I quickly changed and made the drive to the pool. It was pretty crowded and I ended up switching the location of my lounge chair due to the loud and obnoxious mother and her son that sat next to me. Thankfully I got in almost two hours of hit and miss sunshine before the storms rolled in. And since the entire afternoon was stormy, I thought it best to use my time wisely and take a nap! I have been moving at warp speed for the past 3 months with this new job so it was great to have a day all to myself.

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