Friday, May 23, 2008

The next Top Chef...

Now don't get will not find me in any episodes of the reality series "Top Chef" as I clearly don't have a culinary bone in my body. BUT it you could have seen me today, you might have thought otherwise. As I mentioned previously, this weekend is graduation weekend for the daughter of the family that I work for and in attempts to be our own event planners/florists/caterer, we are preparing everything for the brunch, including the food. This means that we have been grocery shopping, prepping and cooking. Today our main objective in the kitchen was to make homemade chicken salad. My boss cooked 12 packages of chicken tender meat to which we both sliced, diced and shredded. We then chopped and diced up 4 stalks of celery, 5 bundles of grapes, 5 pkgs of pecan halves (that we crushed) and all the other seasonings. I must say that I felt pretty skilled with that knife and was definitely getting the hang of chopping up the celery and grapes. It's definitely work though as some of my finger tips are sore from the intensity that I used while chopping. At the end of the day, I have a complete respect for anyone who works in the kitchen.

Whew....that's probably the most time I've spent in a kitchen actually preparing food to ever! I really don't have any culinary skills or talent but I sure did a good job of faking it today. I thought, "If my mother could only see me now...." I still don't think she would believe it :)

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