Saturday, March 1, 2008

Sister Saturday

So on Saturday, my sister Holly came down to visit me and also deliver Girl Scout cookies (yummy). She had some things to do early on Saturday morning so it allowed me the opportunity to sleep in and also do some cleaning around the house. When she got here, myself and Jen and Holly ventured to Hickory Hollow Mall to check out a store called Steve & Barry's. This store carries Sarah Jessica Parker's collection "Bitten" but sadly I was disappointed by the lack of apparel not only from her collection but from the store overall. From there, we headed to Green Hills to deliver cookies to Caron and of course, I can't go into Pottery Barn Kids without picking up something for Elaysha. Since we were in the area, we decided to go see the matinee of "The Other Boleyn Girl". Obviously it's a historical account but it's rather depressing. And what's the best thing to do when you are depressed...EAT! So we went to Nashville West and ate at Red Robin. Since it's a new establishment on the west side and it was Saturday night we had to wait about 30 minutes but once we got seated the food did not disappoint. Jen was a trooper to spend the day with us despite the fact that she was battling flu-like symptoms. AND I had a great day getting to hang out with Holly!

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